First Term has come and gone (nearly!) and school holidays are almost here.

In looking back, it has been a settling in term, where students have learnt the importance of being well organised and to have all of their things with them ready to start classes. They are beginning to understand the value of time. Some comments from students are “Is it that time already? How quick was that!” They’ve recognised the significance of following instructions promptly and the benefits of working together as a team.

To sum up, it has been a time for the grade three students to “Learn How To Learn” so they can work at their best ability.

In Art classes, students have explored Beautiful Oops! Creations; the colour wheel, shading and blending colours and they have read the book “Cat and Bird” by Geraldine Elschner and Peggy Nile. From this, we discussed Paul Klee’s ability to blend colours and we created our own amazing cat drawings. Students are encouraged to create their own art samples over the holidays by using these or other familiar techniques. Get creative and visit an art gallery, search online or visit the local library and learn more about Paul Klee or other artists.

Holidays are a busy time, but students can use this opportunity to catch up on their Reading Eggs and Mathletics. Both of these programs are excellent learning tools for your child. If they are up to date with the lessons, this will be an excellent way to start 2nd term.

Take a close look at our changing environment e.g. leaves changing colours and trees losing their leaves, as we experience the autumn months.

Look after each other and have a relaxing break.

Grade Three Elective…Gardening


I like helping my friends do the gardening because everyone can work together and help the plants grow.


I like pulling out the weeds because the weeds can destroy the plants by taking all the nutrients from the soil. So when a strawberry is white that is because it doesn’t have the nutrients that were needed for it to grow.


I like to water the plants and I make sure that the water doesn’t go into the ants’ house because the ants’ eggs will drown in the water. I like to make sure the ants are safe.


I like to plant grapes. I have a big garden at my house. I have strawberries, oranges, tomatoes, chillis and plums.

Zainab Syeda

I like to plant because I have a garden at my house and my grandma planted mint, chilli, tomato, grapes, green beans and I have a big peach tree. Sometimes I pick some mint.

Mrs. Annette Moran
Year 3 Teacher